Simple but Hard

I had the privilege last night of having dinner with one of my mentors.  I always leave these conversations with new perspectives and a lot to think about.  Last night’s conversation was not different.We spend a lot of time in HR yearning...

Loyalty or Engagement?

When we think about what an ideal employee population would look like within an organization, the words loyal and engaged would probably be amongst the adjectives you’d chose to describe them.  But, what if you had to chose just one of the two?  Which...

Barriers to Innovation (Guest Post)

Today’s post is a guest post written by Kevin Eikenberry.  I’m posting it for a couple of reasons.  First, I like the topic of innovation and I enjoyed Kevin’s take on it.  Second, Kevin is launching a new book today titled From Bud to...

Twitter and HR Leadership

Last Friday, I helped to facilitate a social media “boot camp” for HR leaders in our area.  When we hosted the HR Reinvention Experiment last fall, one topic that seemed to be of paramount interest to that crowd was social media.  It seemed that...

Rules of Thumb

As my thirteen-year-old son prepared for his basketball game this past weekend, I asked if he was ready to play.  He said, “I’m going to take my anger out on the game.”  You see, he has become a die hard Duke basketball fan like I am and...
Jason Lauritsen